Message: 10
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 17:34:32 -0400
From: "M Marsha P
Hello everyone:
I have had several emails that have said that the attachment for the pumpkin
file did not go through and could I send them a copy.
I am going to try to copy and paste onto this email instead of trying to
send a copy to everyone who emailed me.
For those of you who received the attachment or who are pumpkined out sorry
for the duplication.
The first line is the title
Hope you enjoy them.
M. Marsha P
Flint River Regional Library
Pumpkins and Jack-O-Lanterns
Fingerplays, Action rhymes, Songs and Games
(teach the children the difference between pumpkins and Jack-O-Lanterns)
They chose me from my brothers
That's the nicest one they said
And they carved me out a face
And put a candle in my head
Then they set me on the doorstep
Oh the night was dark and wild
When they lit the candle then I smiled
Who am I?
Halloween Pumpkins
Pumpkins Large, Pumpkins Small
Pumpkins Short, Pumpkins Tall
Pumpkins orange, Pumpkins green,
All for us on Halloween!!
Mr. Pumpkin
I am Mister Pumpkin big and round
(Use hands to stretch up and then stretch out to show big stomach)
Once upon a time I grew on the ground
(Crouch down)
But now I have a mouth, two eyes and a nose
(Point to each feature)
What are they for - do you suppose?
(Shrug shoulders)
When I have a candle inside shining bright
(Put one fist on top of the other, then move fingers of top hand up to show
I'll be a Jack - O- Lantern on Halloween Night!
(Jump Up- Arms Out - Happy Grin)
Halloween Surprise
(Tune: Sing a Song of Sixpence)
First you take a pumpkin, big and round and fat.
Then you take the top off, and that makes a hat.
Then you cut a mouth, a nose, and two eyes.
Then you have a Jack-O-Lantern,
A Halloween Surprise!! !
Mr. Pumpkin
(Tune: Where is Thumbkin?)
Can be used as a Call Response
Mr. Pumpkin, Mr. Pumpkin
Round and Fat, Round and fat
Harvest time is coming
Harvest time is coming
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum
Mr. Pumpkin
(Tune: "Frere Jacques" )
Can be used as a Call Response
Mr. Pumpkin,
Mr. Pumpkin.
Big and Fat,
(hold arms in a big circle)
Big and Fat.
I am gonna eat you,
(Mime eating motions)
I am gonna eat you.
Just like that!
(Snap fingers)
Just like that!
Pumpkin Song
(Tune: "Frere Jacques")
Can be used as a Call Response
Pumpkins are growing
Pumpkins are growing
In the patch
In the patch
Look at all the pumpkins
Look at all the pumpkins
Orange and Round
Orange and Round
I'm A Little Pumpkin
(tune: I'm a Little Tea Pot")
I'm a little pumpkin orange and round
(hold arms in a circle)
Here is my stem,
(place fist on head)
There is the ground.
(point down)
When I get all cut up
("cut" palm with opposite hand)
Don't you shout!
(shake head and point finger)
Just open me up
(open top of head)
And scoop me out!
(scoop out tummy)
Pumpkin Song
(tune: Have You Ever Seen A Lassie?)
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, a pumpkin, a pumpkin?
Have you ever seen a pumpkin that grows on a vine?
A round one, a tall one, a fat one, a small one.
Have you ever seen a pumpkin that grows on a vine?
(You can add your own adjectives to describe the pumpkin)
Did You Ever See a Pumpkin?
(Tune: Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?)
You can have a prop (made of felt, construction paper, paper plate, etc.)
that is a pumpkin on one side and a Jack-O-Lantern on the other)
Did you ever see a pumpkin a pumpkin a pumpkin?
Did you ever see pumpkin with no face at all?
With no eyes and no nose and no mouth and no teeth?
Did you ever see a pumpkin with no face at all?
So I made a Jack-O-Lantern, Jack-O-Lantern, Jack-O-Lantern.
So I made a Jack-O-Lantern with a big funny face.
With big eyes and big nose and big mouth and big teeth.
So I made a Jack-O-Lantern with a big funny face.
Pumpkin Pumpkin
big and round
I'm glad you grow
upon the ground.
I'm glad you don't
grow in a tree
for then you might
fall down on me.
Pumpkin Music
Round is my head
(form circle with two hands)
Bright are my eyes
(circle eyes with hands)
Pie shaped my nose
(form triangle shape with fingers)
And a mouth oversized.
(use fingers to push up mouth)
Up on a fence post
(place hands across body to form fence)
I can be seen
(point to self)
Smiling at children on Halloween
(point to mouth big smile)
Mr. Pumpkin
(Start with right hand made into a fist with the thumb inside. At hiding in
a box, cover top of fist with left hand. Then remove hand and pop out
thumb. You can draw a Jack O Lantern on your thumb.)
Old Mr. Pumpkin
Hiding in a box,
Take off the top,
And out he pops!!
Peter Peter
Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater,
Had a wife and couldn't keep her;
He put her in a pumpkin shell,
And there he kept her very well.
Pumpkin Pumpkin
Pumpkin, pumpkin
Sitting on the wall.
Pumpkin, pumpkin
Tip and fall.
Pumpkin, pumpkin
Rolling down the street
Pumpkin, pumpkin
Good to eat.
Pumpkin Poem
One day I found two pumpkin seeds.
I planted one and pulled the weeds.
It sprouted roots and a big, long vine.
A pumpkin grew; I called it mine.
The pumpkin was quite round and fat.
(I really am quite proud of that.)
But there is something I'll admit
That has me worried just a bit.
I ate the other seed, you see.
Now will it grow inside of me?
(I'm so relieved since I have found
That pumpkins only grow in the ground!)
Jack - O - Lantern
Carve a Jack-O-Lantern
On Halloween Night.
(Make carving motions with hands)
He has a big mouth,
(Point to mouth)
But he doesn't bite.
(Shake head "no")
He has two big eyes,
(Point to eyes, or circle eyes with fingers)
But he cannot see.
(Shake head "no")
He's a funny Jack-O-Lantern,
As happy as can be.
(Put hands on stomach, rock back and forth, laughing)
Five Little Pumpkins or Five Little Jack-O-Lanterns
(Hold up five fingers, then point to each finger as you count)
Five little pumpkins (or Jack-O-Lanterns )sitting on a gate
The first one said,
"It's getting mighty late"
The second one said,
"I hear some noise"
The third one said,
"It's just girls and boys"
The fourth one said,
"Let's run, let's run"
The fifth one said,
"It's only Halloween fun!"
Puff went the wind!
(Wave arms above head and blow)
And - Out went the light!
(Blow out candle - clap at light)
So away rolled the pumpkins
On Halloween Night!
(Roll hands behind back
Five Little Pumpkins
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate
(Five fingers up)
The first one said "Oh my it's getting Late"
(Hands on cheeks)
The second one said "There's a chill in the air"
(arms around self)
The third one said "But we don't care"
(swing pointer finger up and down)
The fourth one said "We're ready for some fun!"
(hand in air)
The fifth one said "Let's run, run, run!"
(running motion)
So woooo went the wind, and out went the lights,
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!
Five Little Pumpkins
(Tune: Ten Little Indians)
On the last line . pause before saying the last word in a two count
(Source: You Tube)
One little pumpkin smiling, smiling.
(Hold up one finger and then make a smiley face!)
One little pumpkin smiling, smiling.
One little pumpkin smiling, smiling.
One little pumpkin is . happy.
(Smile and put your fingers on your cheeks.)
Two little pumpkins pouting, pouting.
(Hold up two fingers and then frown and look down.)
Two little pumpkins pouting, pouting.
Two little pumpkins pouting, pouting.
Two little pumpkins are . grumpy.
(Cross your arms and frown.)
Three little pumpkins yawning, yawning.
(Hold up three fingers and then cover your mouth with your hand as you
Three little pumpkins yawning, yawning.
Three little pumpkins yawning, yawning.
Three little pumpkins are . sleepy.
(Stretch and yawn like you are falling asleep.)
Four little pumpkins crying, crying.
(Hold up four fingers and then pretend to wipe a tear from your eye.)
Four little pumpkins crying, crying.
Four little pumpkins crying, crying.
Four little pumpkins are . sad.
(Wipe tears from both eyes with both hands.)
Five little pumpkins laughing, laughing.
(Hold up five fingers and then hold your tummy as you pretend to laugh.)
Five little pumpkins laughing, laughing.
Five little pumpkins laughing, laughing.
Five little pumpkins are . playing.
(Run around the room!)
The Little Orange House
(a cutting story using orange construction paper)
Once upon a time a very small witch was walking in the woods. The cold wind
was blowing the dry leaves all around her. The little witch was frantically
searching for a house for the winter. She could not find one. Suddenly a
piece of orange paper, blown by the wind landed at her feet. She picked it
up. The little witch looked closely at the paper and then she said, "I shall
make myself a little house from this piece of orange paper."
She folded the paper in half. Then she took the scissors she always carried
a pair in her pocket and cut off the two corners to make a roof. (Fold and
cut the construction paper as the story indicates). "This will do just
fine," she said as she looked at her new house. "But I will need a door."
With her scissors she cut a door. Since witches always wear pointed hats,
she cut a door with a point at the top. (Cut a rectangle shape with one end
pointed up more towards the bottom of the folded edge.)
The little witch walked through the door into the little orange house. It
was very dark inside. She quickly hurried back out. "I will need to make
windows to let in the light," said the little witch. She cut a round window.
(Cut a round shape in the top middle of the paper opposite end of the paper
the door.) Oh, it was a very fine looking house. Her very own little house
with a roof, a door, and windows was all finished.
But just as the little witch started to go inside for the winter, she saw a
tiny ghost floating down the windswept path. As the tiny ghost came to a
stop near the little house, the little witch saw that she was crying. "Why
are you crying?" asked the little witch. The tiny ghost stopped crying and
answered, "It is cold and windy. It is getting dark. And I have no place to
spend the winter." "You may spend the winter with me in my new house," said
the kind little witch. "Oh, thank you, " the happy tiny ghost said as she
peeked in through the window. "This is a very nice house."
"First," said the witch, "I will need to make you a little door of your very
own." She took her scissors again and began to cut. She cut a very tiny
door. (Cut a triangle on the folded edge of the paper between the big door
and the window. Make the longer part of the triangle point up) The two happy
new friends went inside. The tiny ghost went in the very little door, and
the little witch went through her own special door. All winter long they
lived happily together inside the little orange house. If you want to see
inside their little orange house, just open your piece o paper and Surprise!
It is a Jack-o-Lantern
Variation - The witch finds a black cat instead of a ghost. She cuts a door
for him that has a point because his tail points up.
Mouse House
(A variation of the Little Orange House that I made up for young children
who might be afraid of witches and my church groups) A cutting story using
orange construction paper. Since it is suppose to look like a pumpkin I
fold the paper and precut the paper into a pumpkin shape including a stem,
and I color the stem green. Then I just hold up the folded paper like it is
a pumpkin lying on its side.
Once there was a little mouse that lived in a field on a pumpkin farm. It
was beginning to get colder out as autumn was coming so he decided to start
look for a home. He spotted a pumpkin laying on its side in the field and
thought that it would make a good, warm place to live. (Hold up precut
The little mouse nibbled a hole in the pumpkin to get inside where it was
warm. (Cut a small hole out of the paper right in the middle of the fold -
this is the nose)
Once he got inside the little mouse saw that the door he use to get in
would be too small for some of his friends to visit so he nibbled a larger
door for them. (Cut another hole on the side of the 1st hole that is away
from the stem. Make it about halfway between the first hole and what will be
the bottom of the pumpkin. Cut this hole taller to make it look like a
bigger door. This is the mouth.)
Then the little mouse noticed that it was very dark in his new house so he
decided to make a window. He nibbled and nibbled and soon he had a nice
window to let in light. (This cut is not made on the fold. Make a round hole
on the side closest to the stem and a few inches up from the fold. These are
the eyes. Make it about equal distance from the first small cut and the
The Mouse was very proud of his house when it was done and invited all of
his friends over to wish them a Happy Halloween. (Open your pumpkin and the
children will see that you have made a Jack-o-Lantern)
Perky Pumpkin
(a cutting story using orange construction paper)
Once upon a time there was a little man who liked pumpkins so much he even
looked like one. He had bright orange skin, all shiny and smooth. Everybody
called him Perky Pumpkin.
Perky liked everything about pumpkins. He enjoyed eating them, whether
cooked as a vegetable or baked as a pie. And he especially enjoyed the
pumpkin seeds.
Perky's best friend was Kate the cat. She was black and silky and had a soft
contented purr.
Perky began to think how nice it would be to have a warm, snug house of his
own, instead of sleeping out in the fields among the pumpkin vines. He
mentioned it to Kate and they decided to find a house together. One crisp
fall morning they set out. In front of a school, they found a large piece
of orange paper. "My favorite color," said Perky. "It's just what we need."
With Kate's help, Perky tugged and pushed and pulled until he put the paper
together like this (fold in half) With a pair of scissors, Perky carefully
and slowly rounded off the corners, so the paper looked like this: (round
corners on top to make the pumpkin shape). "Meow," said Kate. "Let's set it
up and take a look at our work." And for a time, they just smiled in
But then Perky remembered he would need a door. He cut out a tall one, like
this: "I think I'll add a window too," he said. And he did like this: (cut
mouth and eye)
Perky was pleased with himself.
But not Kate. She was curious to know where she came in. "Meow ..Meow," she
grumbled. Perky laughed. He quickly added another door - - a teeny, tiny
one that was just the right size for a rather thin cat. (cut nose) "This
will always be open so you can come in and out as you like," he said. Kate
purred her thanks.
On Halloween night, Perky and Kate invited all their friends to a party. And
when they opened the house to their friends, everyone was surprised and
delighted - - For this is what they saw: (open up paper to show pumpkin
face) Just what Halloween needs -- a nice round Jack-o-lantern!
Toasted Pumpkin Seed Recipe
First clean the seeds really well, then put them in a saucepan with very
heavily salted water. Boil the seeds in the saltwater until they turn a
grayish color. Then drain them, and lay them out on a cookie sheet, and dot
them with butter or margarine. Toast them in a hot oven stirring them
occasionally to get them evenly browned.
Paper Bag Pumpkins Craft
Lunch size paper bags
Orange paint
Green paint
String or Yarn (green)
Directions - Have the children crumple up newspaper and stuff lunch bags
until they are full. Twist the unstuffed part of the bag and tie at the
bottom to make a stem. Let the children paint their pumpkins. When they are
dry, the children can draw faces on them. If you make several you can string
them together with the green yarn so that they look like pumpkins on a vine.
Five Little Pumpkins
(goes with Five Little Pumpkins)
Orange construction paper with or without five pumpkins drawn on it
Tape or glue
5 craft sticks
Directions - Have the children cut out five pumpkins and give them happy,
grumpy, sleepy, sad and scared faces. Tape or glue a craft stick to each
pumpkin to use with the rhyme
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